We want to be different, but we don’t want to change. Our attempts at spiritual formation and growth are consistently sabotaged by our surface efforts that never quite get to the root of the problem. We think we know what we’re supposed to do, but we’re not quite sure who we’re supposed to be on the other side of transformation. In this 8-week series, we’ll learn about seven key transformational shifts that occur in the minds, hearts, and behaviors of every true follower of Christ and receive practical help for bringing about these shifts in our lives. This isn’t about doing more and trying harder, it’s about who we are becoming in Christ.

The 7 Shifts:
Me ➡️ You
Slave ➡️ Child
Seen ➡️ Unseen
Consumer ➡️ Steward
Ask ➡️ Listen
Sheep ➡️ Shepherd
Me ➡️ We