Countdown to Easter 2025

Holy Week

We would love for you to be a part of all God wants to do during this week of reflection and celebration. From larger gatherings to smaller, intimate, and experiential times of worship, there's an opportunity for you to experience what it means to make Jesus the Subject!

Sunday, April 13 @ 10:30am
Sunday, April 13 @ 10:30am

How is it possible that the crowds didn’t recognize who Jesus really was? Is it possible that we face the same dilemma today? Join us for Palm Sunday as we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus as King of kings.

Thursday, April 17 @ 7pm
Thursday, April 17 @ 7pm

Ever wondered what it was like in that upper room with Jesus and the disciples? This evening is designed to give us a small taste of that experience. This special time of worship, communion, and foot washing is so meaningful for those who participate.
If you’ve never experienced a Maundy Thursday service before, please know that you’re welcome to come, observe, and check it out for yourself.

Friday, April 18 2-8pm
Friday, April 18 2-8pm

Join us on Good Friday as we intentionally come to the Lord in prayer for ourselves, our church, our community, and our world. This prayer vigil will be self-guided and interactive, giving you the opportunity to experience multiple prayer stations and creative ways to pray. Come and go at your leisure from 2-8pm.

Sunday, April 20 @ 10:30am
Sunday, April 20 @ 10:30am

We want you to celebrate Easter at Fellowship Community Church! You’ll experience a welcoming group of people, a great time of worship, and a powerful message of hope. Discover how Jesus, who was made unrecognizable, died and rose again so that we could be transformed into someone unrecognizable.

Whether you’ve never been to church or it’s been a long time, we think you’ll enjoy your time with us.

We know visiting a church can be intimidating so here are a couple of things we want you to know:
• Come just as you are – don’t worry about what you’re wearing
• Free gift for all first-time guests
• Worship lasts about 75 minutes

We can’t wait to meet you this Easter!

Rice and Beans Challenge

We’re coming alongside our dear friends and ministry partners at Children of Promise to change the lives of children all over the world! During this season of Lent, you’re invited to choose one week to eat rice and beans for one meal each day. Click the button below to learn more!